Typical Droplet NeverTrust Use Cases

Never-Trust vs Zero-Trust

Taking back control of your software lifecycle management

Software Compatibility

Droplet can run any x86 application on any supported operating system, without the need to upgrade, recode or refactor in anyway.

Windows Upgrade Challenges

Droplet can securely migrate any x86 application legacy or modern to any of our supported operating systems or cloud platforms.

Achieve Cyber Accreditation

As of April 2024, any application that’s out of support, must be removed or isolated from any device that’s included in scope.

Improve Your Security Posture

Secure by design, many clients have adopted Droplet’s NeverTrust easily migrate their vulnerable apps and data.

Alternative VDI Solution

Droplet simplifies the delivery of any x86 application to any operating system, without the complexity, infrastructure or high running costs associated with VDI.

Software Lifecycle Management

Droplet unique approach helps take back control of when you upgrade your software or operating systems, rather than the software vendor.

Return on Investment

In comparison to traditional VDI, Droplets unique way of delivering apps has helped our clients reduce their running costs by up to 80%.

Futureproof Legacy

Droplet helps prolong your mission critical, outdated software, securely inside our NeverTrusrtTM container, without recoding or refactoring.

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