Go beyond Zero Trust with NeverTrust™

Applications Delivered ~ Secure By Design

Droplet NeverTrust™ Server
and Client Containers IT Solutions

Transitioning to the latest Windows operating system can be challenging, especially when your key business applications are incompatible and preventing you from upgrading.

Droplet’s NeverTrust™ (beyond Zero Trust) approach overcomes the challenges associated with software compatibility and addresses the cyber security and compliance of achieving and maintaining cyber accreditation status.

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Our Key Business Use Cases

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Legacy Debt

In today’s fast-evolving digital landscape, organisations face the critical challenge...

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Legacy Debt - Droplet NeverTrust™

Legacy Debt

In today’s fast-evolving digital landscape, organisations face the critical challenge...

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What is Droplet NeverTrust™

Droplet NeverTrustTM is a software-based container solution that works by taking your apps and installing them, unchanged, inside a secure, and isolated containerised environment. In turn, this containerised environment is portable and can be delivered to your device regardless of OS, executing locally and offline. Alternatively it can be delivered using Windows app publishing solutions for multi-user deployments.

Droplet NeverTrustTM sells exclusively via an authorised partner network. Click on a partner of choice to link to their website via our scrolling banner on the home page, or contact us and we will happily put you in contact with a partner.

Traditional OSI Model vs. Droplet NeverTrust™ Containers

Mission Critical Layer: Droplet NeverTrust™ containers have been adopted across healthcare, military, nuclear, retail and manufacturing organisations, to help migrate and deliver their mission critical applications.

By default, Droplet removes all admin rights from every user and controls the data paths of your applications, restricting where users and applications can communicate across other areas of your network.

Droplet containers can be deployed on any endpoint and supports many operating systems including: Windows, macOS chromeOS and Linux or it can be delivered on premise or via any cloud platform or hypervisor.

To meet the latest cyber standards, every application delivered via a Droplet NeverTrust™ container is totally isolated away from the underlying operating system or hypervisor of the device we’re installed on.

To prevent man in the middle, ransomware or zero-day attacks, by default, all network traffic between a Droplet NeverTrust™ container and a Droplet server appliance is encrypted to military standards.

By default, Droplet NeverTrust™ containers block all inbound traffic, unless you’re accessing us via a Droplet container, any unauthorised attempt is seen as external traffic and dropped automatically.

To prevent privileges being elevated, Droplet users have no admin rights, their only functionality is to launch applications, they can’t add, modify or delete an app, and have no access to a desktop or settings.

By default Droplet’s NeverTrust™ approach to secure application delivery meets the latest cyber accreditation standards for application delivery, including CE, CE+, NIS2 and DORA


Want to find out more?

    Tell us more about how Droplet NevertrustTM can support your business

    Droplet NeverTrust™ and the industries
    we serve

    Droplet’s unique NeverTrust (beyond Zero Trust) approach to secure, application delivery, has been embraced across a wide range of industries and verticals. Helping transitions our clients from old unsupported systems and software, to modern, cyber accredited platforms, whilst overcoming their vertical specific challenges around compatibility, security, and compliance.

    For example:

    The number one challenge within healthcare is keeping their mission critical software, up to date and compliant, not only with the latest version of Windows operating system, but also futureproofing it to be compatible and compliant with any new or future release.

    How do you manage, maintain and secure the software for an operational technology device that’s been manufactured to have a lifespan of 20 to 30 years, when the software which operates it, is out of date, unsupported and vulnerable to security breaches and the cost of downtime to the business is substantial.

    Industry Wheel - Droplet NeverTrust™

    Droplet NeverTrust™ Server and Client Containers IT Solutions

    Droplet containers trust no one, blocks all inbound traffic, and helps our clients achieve Cyber Essentials Plus or NIST compliance levels.

    The Droplet containers can secure legacy or modern Servers OS’s as well as Client applications.

    Droplet is a patented, pen tested solution trusted by NHS trusts, Defence Contractors, Global Enterprises and Critical National Infrastructure.

    Droplet NeverTrust™ and the industries
    we serve

    Droplet’s unique NeverTrust (beyond Zero Trust) approach to secure, application delivery, has been embraced across a wide range of industries and verticals. Helping transitions our clients from old unsupported systems and software, to modern, cyber accredited platforms, whilst overcoming their vertical specific challenges around compatibility, security, and compliance.

    For example:

    The number one challenge within healthcare is keeping their mission critical software, up to date and compliant, not only with the latest version of Windows operating system, but also futureproofing it to be compatible and compliant with any new or future release.

    How do you manage, maintain and secure the software for an operational technology device that’s been manufactured to have a lifespan of 20 to 30 years, when the software which operates it, is out of date, unsupported and vulnerable to security breaches and the cost of downtime to the business is substantial.

    Industry Wheel - Droplet NeverTrust™